Saturday, March 17, 2018

Pasta carbonara

This recipe is a good portion for 2. Boil water, put in whole wheat spaghetti or symplax pasta (we love pasta made out of red lentils for this). While it's boiling, sautee generous minced garlic in butter or olive oil. In a bowl, mix 3 eggs and some freshly fine shredded parmesan cheese. Also, cook a few anchovy fillets in a hot dry pan until crispy. Once pasta is done, drain well and put it into the pan with the garlic. Right away, put egg and cheese mixture onto the very hot pasta so the egg cooks a bit and cheese melts. Mix and the sauce will start to come together. Add the crispy anchovy bits. Salt a bit to taste. Can add crushed red pepper also. Serve. Payel's absolute favorite pasta dish to date.
Payel loves this especially with lots of roasted peppers mixed in, about 1:1 roasted peppers to pasta.

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