Sunday, December 3, 2017

Bean curd knots stir fry

Pour boiling water over dried bean curd knots and put a plate over it. Leave there for 15 min while you do the rest of the stir fry. In a wok, heat sesame oil, stir fry lots of minced garlic and chopped onion. Throw in lots of mushrooms and a little kale. Any veggies you want really, but this combo is great. Add fish sauce and soy sauce, a squeeze of lime, a splash of rice vinegar. Once veggies are reduced and a little soft, put in drained bean curd knots (should be soft by now). Add minced chilles and cilantro. Cook until the stir fry is the texture you want and serve. Texture of bean curd knots is like a springy sea animal, taste is a little nutty. Delightful vegetarian mean.

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