Sunday, February 4, 2024

Hungarian Mushroom Soup

 We had this at the Floyd's in our neighborhood recently and loved it, so we decided to learn to make it ourselves. We added meat to ours to make it a hearty main. 

Recipe makes good serving for 4


2 red onions, finely chopped

1/2 lb ground turkey

4-5 cloves garlic, minced

24 ounces of any mushroom medley mushrooms , sliced

4 tablespoons paprika

3 tablespoons chopped fresh dill 

1 teaspoon salt

some freshly ground black pepper

4 tablespoon whole wheat flour

6 tbsp olive oil (for the roux)

2 cups whole milk

4 cups chicken broth

2 tablespoon tamari or soy sauce 

chopped dill and parsley for garnish

extra sour cream , for serving

crusty bread for dipping


Sautee the onions and garlic in olive oil until browned. Add the turkey, break it up and brown. Meanwhile in a separate pan, sautee the mushrooms in olive oil until they release their juices and start to brown. 

Once onions, garlic, and turkey are brown, remove from pan and make a roux with 4 tbsp whole wheat flour and 6 tbsp olive oil. Stir constantly until brown. Add milk, broth, and soy sauce, mix well. Add paprika, dill, salt, and pepper. Throw in a little parsley too. Add in the mushrooms. 

Simmer sauce for 15 min, don't use high heat so milk doesn't curdle. 

Serve with a dollop of sour cream on top and chopped dill and parsley, and some fresh ground pepper.

Serve with crusty buttered bread on the side. 

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