Thursday, March 3, 2022

Turkey Stuffed Peppers

Start by making about 1.5 cups of brown rice in the instant pot, equal parts rice/water, 20 minutes on manual. You probably won't need all the rice, but better safe than sorry.

Preheat the oven to 400F.

Prep four peppers, whatever color you want, by cutting around the stem and pulling out the seeds. They should be hollow inside.

Prep about 3/4 cup of grated mozzarella.

To prepare the filling:

Start by finely mincing about 1/4 onion, 1/2 shallot, 4 cloves garlic. 

Then chop up an herb mixture. We used a handful of parsely, a couple green onions, and a little dill, but the herb mixture is very open to creative inspiration. 

Next, mix in and cook 1lb of ground turkey.

Mix spices into the turkey: Ground cumin, paprika, white pepper, black pepper, salt, cayenne pepper, thyme, a dash of celery seed.

After mixing in, add about 1/4 cup or so of red pasta sauce.

Then add in about 1/2 cup of chicken broth.

Now when the rice finishes, add in the rice to the filling. You can use as much rice as you think looks like a good ratio with the meat.

To prepare the peppers:

Stuff the peppers with the filling.

Add grated mozzarella on top of each pepper. 

Put in the oven on a thin layer of chicken broth to help keep the peppers moist. You may want to try covering with foil as well, although we didn't.

Cook for 30 minutes. You can cook longer if you want softer peppers.

Serve with hot sauce.

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