Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Doi Maach

Payel is off traveling around the world, so primed with a global outlook and desperately missing PK, I took a stab at doi maach. I had to wing a lot of it because you can't get Rohu or rawas, etc. at Safeway, but it turned out quite delicious.

I used cod, which was nice. Most Bengalis will probably skewer me for this sentiment, but I went in with the primary focus of making sure that the dish was yellow, which seemed like main requirement besides, of course, doi (curd) and maach (fish). 

You start by marinating the thawed fish. I don't have mustard oil, but I was able to find truffle oil, which I thought would be interesting. I did a little truffle oil, stone ground mustard, turmeric, salt, and chili powder (the good stuff). Mix it around, cover, and set in the fridge for 15 mins.

Now put on some brown rice. I use the instant pot, so it takes about 25 minutes (timer set to 20 minutes). Equal parts rice and water.

While it was marinating, I made a paste out of garlic, onion, and ginger.

I also mixed around full-fat greek yogurt, cottage cheese, turmeric, chili powder, and salt to prepare the doi. I used both yogurt and cottage cheese because most recipes I looked at call for "curd," and I wasn't sure which was closer, so I hedged my bets. I think just full-fat greek yogurt would be slightly better (smoother texture). Payel would call for a more sour yogurt, but she's gone...

When the fish is done marinating, cook the marinated fish in oil on a pan for 2 minutes, then flip, and do 2 more minutes on the other side. The remove the fish on a plate (it won't be done cooking yet).

Now, in the fishy pan, add a little more truffle oil, cinnamon, cardamom seeds, cumin seeds and fry shortly until aromatic. Then add the garlic/onion/ginger paste and some broth. Use the boiling broth to scrape up all the sticky bits and mix it all together into goodness. 

Then add the spiced doi and mix around until it because gravy consistency. I also added some dry chili peppers for flare.

Then add the fish back in and poach at a simmer for about 8-10 more minutes. I just used the meat thermometer to check the internal temperature of the cod pieces and stopped when they reached 145-150 degrees F. 

Serve over hot rice with cilantro and lime to garnish.

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